This game is a demo. The game is currently in development and is scheduled for release in June.

If you like this game, please consider donating $4.99 or more. All donations of $4.99 or more will receive a game key for the full release. (This is a lower price than the full release price).

The game is released on PC / Window.

If you have any feedback on the game, please leave it in the comments. 

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We'd love to hear any feedback or comments.

※If the language happens to be in Korean, go to '설정' -> '언어' -> 'English' and press '네' to change it to English.

Below is a description of the game.


An adventurer who dreams of being a top-notch adventurer, but is stuck in a beginner's dungeon.

You dream of being an adventurer, exploring great adventures and challenging dungeons. But the reality isn't quite that simple. One day, you're just going through the motions to make ends meet... and before you know it, you're the master of a beginner's dungeon.

And the hidden rooms that suddenly appeared, and the contracts that started? You now have 30 days to transform your newbie dungeon.

I may not be an adventurer, but I know what adventurers want better than anyone!

Who comes to a beginner's dungeon? Not many people actually come to your dungeon - herbalists, a few miners at most... and that's because there's not much to gain from it.

From now on, make your dungeon the kind of dungeon adventurers want to come to, and most of all, the kind of dungeon you want to be in... with the valuable herbs and minerals herbalists and miners want, and sometimes items, artifacts, and monsters...

Adventurers will have to take risks to get what they want, but isn't that the fun of adventure? Obviously, the harder the dungeon, the more adventurers will come.

And the more adventurers you attract, the more things you can do as a Dungeon Master!

But always be careful

Adventurers must not know the secrets of the dungeon. They must not know that there is a master who controls the dungeon, that there is a hidden room in the beginner's dungeon, and that 'something' is there. This is part of the deal you made to become a dungeon master. If you fail, you will pay the price.

So satisfy your adventurers with what they want before they discover the hidden room!

Then they'll go back to their adventures without a care in the world.

Sometimes a curious adventurer may need to be coerced, but it's always at their own risk!

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